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The term LUTS is an acronym of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and refers to a set of symptoms that may arise in both men and women at any age. It is widely used to make it easier for doctors and patients to discuss these symptoms. A thorough study of these symptoms helps to identify several disorders of the urinary system.

Symptoms are related to all phases of urination: filling of the bladder, emptying of the bladder, and post-urination.

The main symptoms include:

  • High frequency of urination during the day (pollakiuria) or at night (nycturia);
  • Urgent need to urinate, sometimes associated with involuntary urine discharge;
  • Poor and/or intermittent stream with hesitancy;
  • Terminal dribbling;
  • Sensation of incomplete voiding;
  • Discomfort in the pubic area.

LUTS may be attributable to several causes: aging, benign prostate hyperplasia, bladder and urethra disorders (lithiasis, bladder neoplasm, urethra-prostatitis, urinary infections, urethral stricture), hypo-/hyperactivity of the detrusor muscle, neurogenic bladder dysfunction (Parkinson’s disease), diabetes, metabolic syndrome.

Sometimes a single symptom may arise, or several symptoms may manifest at the same time; their development may be intermittent. They may cause patients to wake up at night and may negatively impact relations. They may also cause inability to work and depression.

Food supplements:

Urelax Plus

Area Urologica

Urelax Plus è un integratore alimentare a base di Serenoa, Boldo, Capsico, Vitamina E e Licopene utile per il benessere della prostata e delle vie urinarie e ad azione antiossidante.